Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Thoughts 4

Why do dreams always have to mean something? Why can’t I just have a fucked up dream that means absolutely nothing?

I was looking through pictures from high school last night. God what a dork.

What the hell is that on the cover of the moon & antarctica cd?

Monica is always teasing me when we’re out somewhere and we see a hot girl. She’s all “She’s hot, I like her, I could really go for that exotic type.” What do I say to that? I think it’s some kind of trap or test. But…what if she’s serious?

It’s pathetic how I can’t live with the things I can’t understand. How I need everything labeled and explained and deconstructed. Even if it’s for sure unexplainable. Even God.

Chicks are so funny. They always read more into things. A friend of mine threw a surprise party for his girlfriend. All the guys he we like, “cool, surprise party, we’ll be there.” All the girls thought the ‘surprise’ was that he was going to propose to her. Silly, silly girls.

Damn myspace, doesn’t let you vote for your own picture. It also doesn’t let you IM yourself. Ahhh the hours of fun I could have doing that.

I just noticed today that there’s a sprinkler head in the shower room at the gym. Are tiles really that flammable? How in the hell would a fire start in the shower room? I also noticed that it is completely rusted over. So it’s more of a tetanus dispenser that a fire retardant. Good thing I’m in the shower if that thing ever goes off so I can wash off the tetanus out of my eyes before that lockjaw sets in.

I hate getting a bad apple. Ruins my day. Makes me not want to eat fruit again. Red apples are the worst. I’ve never had a good red apple. Contrarily, I’ve never a bad granny smith apple. Where do they get names for apples anyway? Gala, Fuji, granny smith, golden/red delicious, wow I’m boring.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your mom jokes will never get old. Unless that person’s mom is dead. Then your fucked.

No! I will not give you my seat no matter how much you clear your throat at me. Women’s fucking lib, bitch! Yeah, I’m THAT guy.

Why did they change the name of congressman to congresswoman, but they didn’t change senator to senatress? (i.e. actor =>actress)

Why do chicks love horses so much? What’s the connection there that men don’t have?

Why did my grandfather always blow his nose and clean out his ears (with the same hanky) at the table after dinner?

Going No. 2 has really changed over the years. I remember it used to be sit down, boom, your done, and your out. Now it’s like a half hour ordeal. That’s all I’m going to say about that.

On those bulletin questionnaire thingies, I hate it when I think of a better response later in the day. It’s not like I can go back and redo it. Same thing with comebacks. I hate that!

BART was free today. “Spare the Air Day”. When ever it gets hot there’s a higher chance of smog from cars or something. They say they will loose $2 million in revenues just from this morning’s commute. How in the hell are they always in debt? $4 million a day just in revenues plus the federal and state grants for being a light rail system. Are you kidding me? It’s gotta be the unions.

I miss the Olympics. I miss women’s beach volleyball and those asses. I miss late night skeet shooting qualifying rounds. I miss synchronized swimming. That’s right I said it! Those chicks are amazing.

If you take a shower before bed, are you supposed to put on deodorant?

The huge industrial lights at my gym are perfectly placed so that if I lay back to do bench press, they shine blindingly right in my face. Did they put that light there on purpose, just for shits and giggles? Why can’t they move it 1 foot to the left? I bet they’ve never gotten that complaint before.

We went to the beach last weekend along with everyone else in the Bay Area. There’s been lots of shark attacks and advisories lately, so you’re only allowed to go knee deep into the water. Well there’s a big crowd and like most Californians, everybody pretty much does what they want, which means go out as far as they want. This fire station across the street from the beach blows its air horn to release a truck. I’ve never seen people move so fast out of the water.


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