Thursday, December 01, 2005

just because


Blogger danielle said...

to answer your question about my adversion to the "shift" key: why should we capitalize letters? who was it that decided that the first letter of a word starting a sentence is better than the rest of them. i guess i feel that it gives the letters equality amongst themselves and satisfies all alphabet members.

it could also be my rebellion against grammer...

3:57 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

I can respect your socialist view of every letter being equal. I also believe we shouldn't capitalize "I". What makes me so much more goddamn important than You? You don't see "a" bitching because he's not capitalized even though he's a one letter word. I think the idea behind capitalizing is making it easier to recognize the end of one sentence and the beginning of another (I know, “.” does that too). That's just my guess. It's ok to rebel against grammar nowadays, plus this is America. If you tried to do that in, say, 17th century England they would string you up by your toenails. That is of course, if you didn't get the black plague first (also caused by bad grammar, you know).

7:38 AM  

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