Monday, December 05, 2005

Prohibition is over!

My little burg just past a proposition to allow the sale of wine in our city's grocery stores. Where is your God now! Bahahahaha!

Next thing you know they'll open a liquor store where they sell liquor. Hell in a handbasket, I tell you what.

Sometimes while TCoB (that's taking care of business for you none acronym folks) at work, I like to play "Guess the Co-worker By Looking at His Shoes". Hard part is verifying my guesses.

How did the word "knockers" become a reference for boobs? Not seeing the connection.

I was walking to the bathroom at the same time as another co-worker this morning, and he asks me the obligatory "how was your weekend?" question. I said, "Great, finally got that meth lab in my garage up and running." That ought to keep him from talking to me for a while - not because he thinks I actually have a meth lab in my garage, but because he's afraid of another awkward moment or being caught off-guard like just now.


Blogger danielle said...

i'm pretty sure breasts are refered to as "knockers" because when they are exceptionally large (and unrestrained) they tend to "knock around." but, i'm not a boob expert, so mabye you should ask tim...

4:14 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

See, I was thinking maybe that when large & unrestained, they would knock stuff off the table (a very high table) when walking by or something. I then also thought that maybe when the guy (or girl) comes up for air, he knocks his head on them...just don't know.

8:47 AM  

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