Monday, May 16, 2005

My Problems with Organized Religion

My issues with Christianity and general religion/faith:

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her. (Deuteronomy 22) WOW.

In the Old Testament, God cursed wicked men by giving them male pattern baldness. As an outward sign of their sin, of course. (Isaiah 3:24).

Not against God, just against religion. I don't believe what man says about God because there's no way He would communicate with us, but I think I believe God exists.

And if God does exist, I bet it’s a woman. No man would ever be that vindictive.

Having “faith” requires a huge jump/leap, as they say leap of faith. Belief in miracles, divine intervention, that kind of stuff. It requires believing that something was created from nothing. I have a hard time with that.

Speaking of creating something from nothing, the Christian faith is compiled from many other religions around the world. Jesus wasn't born in December. Missionaries adapted this time of year to coincide with other religions' annual celebration to make the transition more adaptable. Much like The Matrix.

If there is a God, I don’t believe He is vengeful. I don’t believe he has human characteristics. I know that my mind will never be able to grasp the concept of the omniscient.

More wars and more blood has been shed on account religious beliefs than anything else in history.

The bible says nothing against slavery.

I have a problem with people who ignorantly judge me. My first taste of this was around religious people, but as I go through life I have encountered others who are quick to judge and I have little tolerance for that.

I hate that a good Christian's main goal is to convert others. Don't pressure me into something I am educated on and have decided not to pursue. It's fine if you hate me for it - I didn't want to be around you anyway.

Yes, I realize Jesse Ventura is not the brightest man to talk about religion, or talk about anything for that matter, but I thought this was well put:

"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers." -Jesse Ventura


Blogger timothy said...

It seems you are basing your opinions on the followers of a religion, not the relgion itself. You are also looking at Old Testament verses that pertain more to Judaism than modern day Christianity. The Old Testament was written towards an audience who's culture was escape from slavery and persecution (the whole Moses thing) so maybe the writers figured that area was pretty well covered.
Try looking through the Gospels and making arguments with "Love your neighbor" or "Let him without sin cast the first stone". I'm not asking you to believe, I'm asking for the same thing you are, for everyone to have an open mind about the cultures and beliefs of those around them. I know not all Christians are willing to have an open mind, but I also know that not all atheists, pagans, and agnostics are completely open minded either. Even some Satanists will stop to help a hurt puppy now and then.
Of course, if I based my opinions of Muslims on the few that I have had personal experience with throughout my life, I would assume them all patient, kind, helpful individuals who would never hurt a soul. Unfortunately, for all religions, its always the extremists and revolutionaries you hear about, never the small stories about a father who is patient with his children, loving with his wife, and sharing to all his neighbors and those in need.

6:55 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

The Old Testament stuff – I know I probably took it out of context, but that’s what Christians like to do as well.
Don’t get me wrong. The bible has many great lessons to learn and to live by. It’s a great piece of fiction. All the ideas of self-peace and harmony with your fellow man are all great, but people always fuck it up through misinterpretation like with everything else in this world. Baptists aren’t supposed to dance because it gets crazy ideas about S-E-X (*whispers*) in their heads. It’s the Crusades and the killing in the name in the Lord that bothers me. How is that “Love thy neighbor”? It’s the looking down at me/turning your cold shoulder me, telling me how I will burn in your Hell for not believing that Jesus is the lone Savior. I’m a good person and I don’t need your judgment (not you, Tim, impersonal Christian You).

7:10 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

good one.

2:04 AM  

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