Thursday, August 04, 2005

Things I will NOT miss about CA

-Friends moving away.
-Small house.
-Not having enough work.
-4 months of misting rain.
-Expensive gas.
-Rallies every Saturday clogging up the city.
-Rallies for stupid stuff like endangered grass.
-Blood-covered protesters in front of Nordstrom.
-Tourists taking pictures of gay guys to show their friends back in Iowa.
-Waking up and wondering if the housing market will crash today.
-Waking up and wondering if the house will slide off the hill, catch a wildfire, or fall into the ocean today.
-Crappy freeways.
-Rolling blackouts.
-Tiny back yard.
-Lack of personal space in a public place.
-Bitchy people everywhere bitching about everything and not doing anything about it.
-Paying too much mortgage on the small house.
-Crowded trains.
-My bedroom window being 10 feet from my neighbor's.
-No A/C in half the places.
-Flaming gay guys.
-Mean lesbians.
-People in general.


Blogger Dustin Luther said...

What about “parking” “coworkers” , “juice shakes on every corner” and fake “tex-mex” food?

7:36 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

Of course. How could I forget $30 parking for a night out in the City and anal-condescending-I-think-I'm-being-cute coworkers.

"Tex-Mex? You mean burrito, sir? We got burrito. What's queso?"

4:54 PM  
Blogger timothy said...

Things I will not miss about Jay:

He never frickin updates his blog

Seriously, you've just moved back to a new state, you've got a new job, what the hell is going on?!?

Busy, shmusy!

Update bitch!

7:31 PM  

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