Monday, February 20, 2006

hear me out on this one

In an altered state this past weekend, I came to two huge conclusions, and one not so huge.

1. I figured out how to divide by 0. Can't remember it now, but it IS possible.

2. We as a society would starve to death if it weren't for the Useless Crap industry (ipods and such).

Here's how it works: In short, thanks to technology advances, we can now produce so far beyond our basic needs, that the only way we can sustain our economy and a decent rate of employment is to have a substantial percentage of our population producing, distributing, advertising, and selling things that we have absolutely no need for whatsoever. If we did not have the Useless Crap industry, then not only would there be more people out of work, but the overall demand for transportation of goods would lower substantially, thus raising the costs of transporting food, and subsequently the costs of buying the food for those people who'd be out of jobs anyway. So we'd all starve due to economic collapse.

3. Candlebox was a huge knock-off, sell-out, industry produced attempt at a grudge band. I hadn't realized this until one of their songs came on (during my altered state, of course). And I ate that shit up in high school. I guess the trend continues - high school kids know nothing about good music.


Blogger Dustin Luther said...

1) Sasha already knows how to divide by 0, and she is convinced that zero is both the "nothing" and the biggest number in the world. We've had a dinner conversation (at her instigation) three nights in a row on this topic.

2) Get a damn iPod and quit complaining.

11:38 AM  
Blogger superjay said...

1) Listen to your daughter. She is already smarter than you. 0 is the beginning and the end of everything.

2) Given my vendetta with the ipod, I should've used another example from the Useless Crap industry, like the BowLingual or TV's in the headrest of your Hummer. Hey, if my company gave me an ipod, I'd accept it too.

2:34 PM  
Blogger timothy said...

There are lots of things we have that we don't need! Houses, the wheel, 3 servings of meat of a day. We can survive withouth all of those things.

Entertainment is a vital part of humanity. Cave men drew on walls, monkeys chase each other around. Without something to entertain us, we'd go insane.

So though these things may not be necessary to keep people alive, they are necessary to keep us sane.

(and the BOWlingual rocks, so shut it!)

10:51 AM  
Blogger superjay said...

I understand that, but don't you think it's a little overkill these days?

and how do you explain electric can openers?

10:54 AM  
Blogger danielle said...

it's not that it's overkill, it's just that humans have become more complex creatures. with our brains evolving into something we don't even know yet, we demand new things to spare us from boredom. if drawing on cave walls kept me entertianed, i'd do it...but unfortunately humans require more complex, multi-tasked forms of "things to do."

11:45 AM  
Blogger superjay said...

Oh it’s overkill, baby. I understand that we evolve and become more demanding than we were years ago. Nowadays you HAVE to have a car to get to and from work in most places. 100 years ago, a car was not a necessity to make it in this world. Society is always changes and certain bare essentials are expected for a person to thrive and function at just getting by. Cell phones (much to my dismay) were introduced into this group of necessities recently. Everyone now expects a certain level of instant communication - less planning to meet up hours in advance, just "call when you get close".

The electric can opener is overkill - unnecessary - as is just about everything in The Sharper Image or Skymall. A hand-crank can opener is very easy to use, unless you have severe arthritis or something (exceptions can be made).

11:56 AM  
Blogger timothy said...

It's a good thing you were never an economics, sociology, anthropology, or anything other than an engineering major.

1:17 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

It's a good thing I can still have an opinion without being an expert.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Taylor said...

At least you had an excuse for liking Candlebox when they came out - you were too young to know any better. Unfortunately for me, embarrassing...

7:48 PM  
Blogger timothy said...

did you forget how to log into blogger and make new posts?!?

11:01 AM  
Blogger superjay said...

I've been in Colorado the last 10 days. Updates coming soon (maybe).

10:14 AM  
Blogger Dustin Luther said...

Traveling has to be the lamest excuses a blogger could give....

3:19 PM  
Blogger superjay said...

good, because I don't consider myself a "blogger". you know, I've been called lots of things in my time, but never a blogger. Thanks, Dustin.

3:29 PM  

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